A day of service,

To honour & celebrate Canadian heroes.

Canadian National Day of Service foundation

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11 hundreds of Canadian fire fighters and EMS traveled to NYC to support the recovery efforts. Thousands of residents in Gander Newfoundland opened up their homes and hearts to provide refuge to stranded air travelers. Over 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces ultimately deployed to Afghanistan between 2001 and 2014.

These incredible acts of service were demonstrated again in the wake of Covid-19. From our men and women of service, to first responders, doctors, nurses, store keepers and delivery drivers - countless Canadians rose to the occasion.

The Canadian National Day of Service Foundation was established with the aim of building activities to recognize and leverage the spirit of volunteerism in Canada. We are a charitable foundation whose purpose is to honour and celebrate Canadians who serve their communities.

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Service Day

National Day of Service was declared on September 11, 2011 by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to give a positive focus to a tragic date. The foundation’s goal is to bring attention to all the wonderful work Canadians do for their neighbours and communities.

Through the lens of COVID-19 it is now more important than ever to thank all our our heroes - all front-line workers from health care to law enforcement, cashiers and truck drivers, pilots and air crews, and all our women and men that serve their country and communities.


We are Canadians making a difference.

Community Service Highlight

Collingwood residents collecting cash, medical supplies for Ukraine

Andy Tereshyn's family ties to Ukraine have prompted him to start asking his new neighbours to help donate supplies for the country under attack